How It Works

Generally minimum orders require 10 serves of a food item with a minium order cost of $150. Flexibility within this range is available upon request.
Delivery of food is available with a small fee.
Cold food is ready to serve on platters.
Hot food requires heating with instruction provided.
*disposable platters/containers are available at a small cost or use of my platters/containers have no charge but do require return of them within 5 days.
A guide for cocktail food requirements:
2 hours of food – 5-6 food items per person
3 hours of food – 7-8 food items per person
4 hours of food – 9-10 food items per person
5 hours of food – 11-12 food items per person
If staff are required for serving at your function:
Jodi - $60 per hour
Wait staff - $40 per hour (minimum 3 hours)
Please contact Jodi to discuss and finalise your menu!